“Celebrity Entrepreneur” has been formally recognized as an Official Selection at 6 prestigious film festivals: American Documentary Film Festival (AMDOCS), IndieFest, The Boston International Film Festival, Aphrodite Film Awards, Hollywood Dreamz International Film Festival & Writers’ Celebration, and Accolade Global Film Awards.
The 52-minute documentary will have its World Premiere at AMDOCS 2019 in beautiful Palm Springs, California on March 31, 2019.
Produced by Alison Savitch, and Directed by Spencer Thornton, “Celebrity Entrepreneur” goes behind the scenes with Clint Arthur, marketing coach to financial professionals, and the Advisors, Entrepreneurs, Authors, Coaches, Consultants and Experts who come to him for transformation into Celebrity Entrepreneurs.
The film was shot on location in New York, Los Angeles, Phoenix, Boston, Las Vegas, and on the West Point Military Academy campus, with cameos by Apollo XI astronaut Buzz Aldrin, U.S. Army retiree Lt. Gen. Russell L. Honoré, and Jonathan Goldsmith, the actor who portrayed the infamous Dos Equis “Most Interesting Man In The World.”
Clint Arthur, Highest Rated Speaker at the International Association of Registered Financial Consultants (IARFC), Dan Kennedy’s reigning GKIC Info-Marketer of the Year, #1 International Bestselling Author of What They Teach You At The Wharton Business School, and author of the new book Celebrity Entrepreneurship, says: “It is an honor to be recognized for the hard work and vulnerability we all put into this movie. Entrepreneurship is a growing trend in America, and for the first time ever, this film explores the cutting edge methods we use to help gifted Experts stand out and succeed in a brutally competitive marketplace.”

Because of his Wharton background, Clint Arthur’s favorite clients are Financial Advisors: “I understand them so well, and know how to give them tools which accelerate their business, practice, and career immediately and powerfully.”
As the world’s top financial advisor marketing consultant, with appearances on more than 100 local & national TV shows to date, Clint specializes in working with Financial Advisors to create marketing strategies that raise their Status and create Celebrity in the eyes of customers and prospects. “Celebrity Entrepreneur” documents his renowned transformational events & experiences, which give Advisors & Entrepreneurial Experts priceless lifelong marketing assets that create instant credibility, and maximize their ability to close High-Ticket deals and eliminate resistance to their offers.
The IARFC recognizes Clint for his mathematical “Magic Messenger Formula for Getting On TV for Free”, which his clients – including numerous Financial Consultants – have successfully used to book themselves on 3849+ TV News and Talk Show Appearances since 2012, including on ABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Good Morning America, The Today Show, CNN, HLN, Dr. Oz, Fox Business Network, etc.

Clint Arthur’s world-famous Celebrity marketing strategies also include VIP Speaking Events that place Financial Advisors and business experts of all kinds on the most prestigious stages in the world, including NASDAQ in New York City, Harvard Club of Boston, and New York City Bar Association. Clint says: “Speaking led me to what I do now: helping Advisors, Speakers, Coaches and Entrepreneurs to make their dreams become their reality.” It all starts from these famed venues.

At these VIP Speaking Events, financial service experts create priceless lifelong marketing assets that raise their Expert Positioning, create instant Power & Authority in any crowded marketplace, and maximize their ability to close High-Ticket deals and eliminate resistance to their offers, as well as allow them to network with High Net-Worth peers in their industry.
A key component of Clint Arthur’s financial marketing strategies is helping Advisors to get around “Compliance Restrictions” in testimonials and video marketing. These “Compliance Busting” techniques are part of the reason why Advisors are easily able to deploy their new High-Status Positioning and corporate attachment in their marketing, allowing them to maximize their ROI, have more Impact, Influence and Income compared to any other form of marketing, and compel their prospects to buy their financial products & services.
Financial Advisors interested in these award-winning transformational experiences can view Client Testimonials and apply for mentorship by visiting Financial Advisor Marketer Clint Arthur online.
“Celebrity Entrepreneur” World Premiere Screening
Sunday, March 31st – 6:30 pm
Palm Springs, CA
Video: VIP Speaking at High-Status Venues with Financial Marketing Strategist Clint Arthur
To learn more, apply for Clint’s mentorship at https://financialadvisormarketingstrategy.com/
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