Veronica Crystal Young Releases Critical Courage Affirmation Cards for Sale

Can a deck of cards really change a life?

Best Selling Author and Leadership and Resilience Coach Veronica Crystal Young believes that the Critical Courage Affirmation Cards she created are life changing for those that use them. Veronica is a successful senior manager at a California hospital and a force to be reckoned with in the creative arts arena. That wasn’t always her reality though. Veronica experienced sexual trauma and shame from abuse throughout her life. Her creative life was sidelined by a life of shame and pain, but after diving into personal development head-first, she pursued the passions of her dreams in the creative and performing arts while climbing the corporate ladder of success.

Affirmation Cards for Sale - "Sometimes we just need a little support"

Veronica knows first-hand that “it can be challenging to attempt or deal with a life change, especially if there is fear or uncertainty, or there are unhealed wounds from the past. Oracle cards have always been used as a tool for connecting with intuition and messages from the universe. Change begins with small steps, and one positive action and thought after another. Frequently women get caught up in negative self-talk. These affirmations can be used to combat these often sub-conscious patterns and replace them with positive narratives.”

Our thoughts can trap us or free us. What we focus our thoughts on is what becomes our reality. This is an incredibly powerful thing and when we constantly have negative thought patterns it can be difficult to redirect. Negative thoughts can block you from being able to see other positive options and can also stop you in your tracks from growing and taking the risk of change in trying something different to improve your situation. Doubt and fear can paralyze you and make you believe you can’t do better or even that you don’t deserve better. If that is where you are, then it is time to stop the negative and start focusing on positive affirmations to literally “change your mind.”  Veronica states your can feel resistance at first to the words on the cards, but consistency in any habit is key, and that includes changing thought patterns and the awareness of those patterns.

52 Weekly Affirmation Cards for Empowerment and Change

Meditating on affirmations daily is a practice that worked wonders for Veronica, so she created a gorgeous set of cards for women to use daily. She is confident that they will assist in reclaiming a positive mindset every day, and help stay on track with nudges from the universe on their Path of Change. She is living proof that daily affirmation meditations changes lives for the better. Critical Courage Affirmation Cards may be purchased at on the shop page or at

Veronica Crystal Young's Critical Courage Affirmation Cards

About Veronica Crystal Young: Veronica Crystal Young brings the perfect combination of experience and education to the table when transforming the lives of unhappy, unfulfilled yet successful women who are trying to reclaim their motivation and passion for living.  Aside from all that, she brings from her corporate position as a Senior Patient Finance Manager at a major medical center, and her creative endeavors as a filmmaker, nature videographer, award-winning actress, and singer, Veronica also boasts coaching accreditation from Coaches Training Institute and the Forton Group. Veronica shares her experience with abuse and trauma and how she refused to let those events define her in her two books, The Other Side of Pain and Shameless — 7 Steps to Reclaim Your Power. She teaches by example how to reach resilience to find the courage to live the best life possible.

Shameless: 7 Steps to Reclaim Your Power

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