Financial Advisor Marketing Coach Clint Arthur Honored In 9 Film Festivals

NEW YORK, NY, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – “Celebrity Entrepreneur”, the acclaimed 52-minute documentary about Clint Arthur, Award-Winning marketing consultant to financial advisors, has received Official Selections from 9 film festivals across the nation to date, and is now a Semi-Finalist at the quarterly Hollywood International Moving Pictures Film Festival (HIMPFF).

Giving an intimate, behind-the-scenes look at Clint Arthur and the Financial Advisors & Business Experts who come to him for personal branding mentorship & transformation into Celebrity Entrepreneurs, the film had its World Premiere at the prestigious American Documentary Film Festival (AMDOCS) in Palm Springs, California in March 2019 to much acclaim. Clint Arthur, Producer Alison Savitch (former Chair of Producers Guild of America New Media Council) and Director Spencer Thornton were in attendance for the screening.

First-hand testimonials of Clint’s coaching & events can be seen at

The documentary was shot on location in New York, Los Angeles, Phoenix, Boston, Las Vegas, and on the campus of West Point Military Academy, and features cameos by Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin, and Jonathan Goldsmith, the actor who portrayed Dos Equis’ “Most Interesting Man In The World.”

Marketing expert Clint Arthur speaking to a full audience of financial advisors, entrepreneurs & experts from the podium inside Nasdaq, New York City

Clint Arthur, #1 International Bestselling Author of “What They Teach You At The Wharton Business School” (2009), Dan Kennedy’s reigning GKIC Info-Marketer of the Year, and author of the new book “Celebrity Entrepreneurship” (2019), says: “It is an honor to be recognized for the hard work and vulnerability we all put into this movie. Entrepreneurship is a growing trend in America, and for the first time ever, this film explores the cutting edge methods we use to help gifted Experts stand out and succeed in a brutally competitive marketplace.”

Clint is a graduate of The Wharton Business School’s Entrepreneurial Management program. Because of his Wharton background, his favorite clients are financial advisors: “I understand them so well, and know how to give them strategies which accelerate their marketing, practice, and career immediately and powerfully.”

Top Advisor Coaching That Makes You The ONLY Option To Your Prospects

When a financial advisor is asked about the biggest marketing & business challenges they’re facing, often, the first thing that comes to mind is: “I’m not getting enough new prospects. I’m looking for a few more of my DREAM clients…”

Financial advisor marketing consultant Clint Arthur on ABC7 Chicago

The financial services industry is one of the most crowded & competitive fields of expertise in America today. According to the Wall Street Journal, there are “hundreds of thousands” of financial advisors offering similar services.

With this much competition, in order to even be considered an option by prospects, it is an absolute must for a Financial Expert to provide a unique value proposition against the competition. At the same time, it can be difficult for advisors to uniquely differentiate themselves, when many of their prospects’ “other” options for financial advisors are attempting the same.

Clint Arthur’s “Celebrity Entrepreneurship” mentorship & consulting services are made to help financial advisors make their competition irrelevant, finally gain recognition for their expertise, and attract affluent clients hungry to work with them.

Financial advisor marketer Clint Arthur sharing the stage with Suzanne Somers at Harvard Faculty Club

High-Status Financial Advisor Marketing Mastery

By embracing Clint’s world-famous marketing strategies and mentorship, Financial Experts raise their Status and Credibility with marketing assets that transform ordinary advisors into Celebrities in the eyes of their customers & prospects. This unique Celebrity positioning allows financial advisors to be the only possible option to their prospects.

Clint’s unique, award-winning “Celebrity Entrepreneurship Mentorship” includes:

  • Becoming a Celebrity on Local TV: The only network TV media training that takes place on real local news & talk shows produced by ABC, NBC, CBS and FOX
  • VIP Speaking at High-Status Venues: Public Speaking on the world’s most prestigious stages, creating permanent attachment to high-status Corporate Names including Nasdaq, Coca-Cola and Mercedes, and high-status Celebrities

Among other marketing ideas for financial advisors, Clint’s VIP Speaking Events and “Magic Messenger Formula for Booking Free TV Appearances” give advisors the gift of priceless marketing assets that last a lifetime. This high-status personal branding compels advisors’ prospects to buy their services.

Results & Financial Compliance Requirements

Over the past 6+ years, as a direct result of coming to Clint Arthur for his Celebrity mentorship & transformation, and deploying & utilizing their new Celebrity marketing assets, Financial Advisors and other Business Experts have achieved results like these:

  • “10X ROI” – Corey Peterson, Kahuna Investments
  • “Quadrupled Sales” – Rondi Lambeth, Fortress Credit Pro
  • “Doubled Production” – Mike Martinez, The Pension Group
  • “Doubled Revenues & Profits” – Kevin Fream, MatrixForce
  • “Doubled Appointments” – Garry Liday, Retirement Asset Managers Inc.
  • “Added $925,000 in new revenues in 6 months” – Will Nobles, VectorChoice
  • “Added $300,000 in Low Hanging Fruit” – Kim Curtis, Legacy Wealth Institute
  • “Added $135,000 in January” – Ed Bensinger, Bensinger Consulting
  • “October was best month of my career thanks to Clint” – Gary Sipos, Sipos Financial
  • “Doubled my tax & financial business” – Navi Dowty, CFA

These testimonials are also made possible because of one of Clint’s favorite ways to help his clients in the financial industry: training to deliver testimonials and video marketing that meets financial advisor “Compliance Requirements.”

Clint Arthur is currently on a TV media tour across America for Alcohol Awareness Month, in promotion of his new book “Celebrity Entrepreneurship” and the “Celebrity Entrepreneur” movie, telling stories about how overcoming alcohol and marijuana addictions have allowed the movie to be created, and helped Clint, now 5 years sober, to get his life back on track.

The next public screening of “Celebrity Entrepreneur” will be at the Hollywood Dreamz International Film Festival in Las Vegas on July 25.

Advisors interested in Clint’s Celebrity Marketing Mentorship can apply at

Advisor Marketing: 7 Steps to 7 Figure Financial Expert

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