DAN S. KENNEDY, “The Millionaire Maker,” creator of “Magnetic Marketing,” author of the “No B.S.” book series, serial entrepreneur and legendary Info-Marketing coach & consultant, is scheduled to be a Featured Main Stage Speaker at the Living Legends of Entrepreneurial Marketing conference at Carnegie Hall on September 26-27-28, 2019.

Created by Celebrity Entrepreneur & personal branding expert Clint Arthur (pictured left), Dan Kennedy’s reigning GKIC Info-Marketer of the Year, Living Legends is the first-ever entrepreneurial event in the storied 128-year history of Carnegie Hall.
The conference will feature an all-star cast of celebrities & business legends – including Dan Kennedy, alongside Martha Stewart; Ice-T & Coco; Michael E. Gerber, New York Times bestselling author of “The E-Myth”; Walter O’Brien (The Smartest Man in the World, Scorpion); Jerry Greenfield, co-founder of Ben & Jerry’s; Dylan Howard, Chief Content Officer at American Media Inc.; – who will share their “Last Lectures” on “how to thrive as an Entrepreneur”, and lessons & “Blow-Your-Mind Business Wisdom” from their careers with a collective mission of helping the Entrepreneurs in attendance to transform their lives and live with more Impact on themselves and the world – just like the many legendary performers & speakers who made history at Carnegie Hall before them.
Every speaker at Living Legends is a person who has earned their way to Carnegie Hall through unrivaled success on the entrepreneurial battlefield. You have questions – they KNOW the answers.
Clint Arthur, creator of Living Legends, says: “It’s an honor to call Dan Kennedy my greatest mentor. I’ve traveled all over the country to see him speak and hear his wisdom. He has really inspired this entire conference, and he’s excited to share his ‘Last Lecture’ at Carnegie Hall. If you’re a Dan Kennedy fan, and you’ve seen him before, you should see him again — because this is going to be his Greatest Performance Ever!”
More Reasons to Step Up for Clint Arthur Presents Living Legends at Carnegie Hall:
- Transform Your Vision of Your Life & Career Forever
- Connect with Like-Minded Entrepreneurs
- Make Deals & Joint Ventures
- Aha Business Insights will Illuminate Years of Darkness!
- Get EDUCATED Directly by Living Legends
- Get Answers to burning questions about Your Business
- Massive Business Concepts Could Instantly 2X 3X or even 10X Your Profits!
- Modus Operandi & Strategies to Excite & Motivate YOU!
- Connect with a Person You Know & Admire
- Have Fun Learning with Friends — and Make New Friends
- Be Part of The Very First Entrepreneurs Conference in Carnegie Hall’s 128-Year History!
- You Will Be Astonished at How Many Entrepreneurial Marketing Secrets You Were Completely Clueless About!
- Enjoy World Class Info-Tainment
- Get Inspired & Motivated to Blow Up Your Business
- Enjoy New York City ENERGY!
- For VIP Attendees: Once-In-A-Lifetime Photo Opps with Legends inside Carnegie Hall
- Escape the Office for 3 or More Days!
- Discover New Tools, Resources, & State of the Art Success Stuff
- Get Recognized by Peers who Understand the Cool Things You’re Doing
- Recharge, Reinvent, Revitalize, & Renew your Passion for Entrepreneurship!
- Be Part of Our A+ Community of Superstar Business Leaders
For more information, visit LivingLegends2019.com.

Dan S. Kennedy – the provocative, truth-telling author of seven popular No B.S. books, thirteen business books total; a serial, successful, multi-millionaire entrepreneur; trusted marketing advisor, consultant and coach to hundreds of private entrepreneurial clients running businesses from $1-million to $1-billion in size; and he influences well over 1-million independent business owners annually through his newsletters, tele-coaching programs, local Chapters and Kennedy Study Groups meeting in over 100 cities, and a network of top niched consultants in nearly 150 different business and industry categories and professions.
As a speaker, Dan has repeatedly appeared with four former U.S. Presidents; business celebrities like Donald Trump and Gene Simmons (KISS, Family Jewels on A&E); legendary entrepreneurs including Jim McCann (1-800-Flowers), Debbi Fields (Mrs. Fields Cookies), and Nido Qubein (Great Harvest Bread Co.); famous business speakers including Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy, Jim Rohn, Tom Hopkins, and Tony Robbins and countless sports and Hollywood celebrities. Dan has addressed audiences as large as 35,000…for more than ten consecutive years, he averaged speaking to more than 250,000 people per year.
Dan lives in Ohio and in northern Virginia, with his wife, Carla, and their Million Dollar Dog. He owns, races and drives professionally in harness races at Northfield Park near Cleveland, Ohio.
Founded in 1891, Carnegie Hall was built by legendary industrialist Andrew Carnegie with a vision of creating the premier venue for performance in the world. Legendary speakers & performers who have previously appeared at Carnegie Hall include Mark Twain, who performed his “Last Lecture” at Carnegie Hall; Booker T. Washington; Teddy Roosevelt; Franklin D. Roosevelt; Albert Einstein; Groucho Marx; J.K. Rowling; Jerry Seinfeld; The Beatles; Ernest Hemingway; Woodrow Wilson; Bob Dylan; Sammy Davis Jr.; Robin Williams; Dean Martin; Frank Sinatra; Judy Garland; Liza Minnelli; The Rolling Stones; Neil Young; Chris Rock; Bruce Springsteen; Lady Gaga; Tony Bennett; Bono; Andy Kaufman; Brooke Shields; and Sir Winston Churchill.
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