Chambers USA Spotlights Houston Law Firm for Intellectual Property Excellence

Chambers Recognizes Lloyd & Mousilli in their USA Regional Spotlight Guide 2024 as Leading Intellectual Property Firm

Lloyd & Mousilli has been ranked in Chambers USA Regional Spotlight Guide and recognized as a leading small to medium-sized law firm offering a credible alternative to Big Law.

Chambers USA Regional Spotlight for Texas 2024 - Lloyd & Mousilli in HoustonLloyd & Mousilli was selected based on an independent and in-depth market analysis, coupled with an assessment of its experience, expertise, and caliber of talent. Lloyd & Mousilli was recognized for the strength of its work in Intellectual Property.

Managing Partner, Feras Mousilli, commented “From its inception, Lloyd & Mousilli has championed the strategic value of intellectual property as both a sword and shield for its clients. We are grateful to be recognized for the quality of work and unique expertise we bring to the table.”

Background to Firm

Lloyd & Mousilli is a boutique law firm specializing in intellectual property and technology law. From its founding over a decade ago, headquartered in Houston, Texas, Lloyd & Mousilli has championed the strategic use of intellectual property.

Lloyd & Mousilli intentionally developed a team of subject matter experts to lead its intellectual property practice groups. This expertise is demonstrated through:

Intellectual property counsel at Lloyd & Mousilli earns their seats at each client’s table. For more information, please visit

Background to Chambers and Partners

Chambers and Partners has over 30 years of US research in the Legal Market and is therefore uniquely placed to identify markets where there is a significant collection of leading smaller firms. Chambers is on a mission to uncover the best legal talent wherever it may be, starting with shining a spotlight on Texas.

The state of Texas, home to five of the top fifteen US cities by population, is a thriving market with several distinct and growing legal centers. 

Through Regional Spotlight Texas 2024, Chambers and Partners have continued to delve into the rich seam of talent on offer,  building on their existing list of the top small firms in Texas that can effectively and efficiently meet in-house counsel needs.

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